CEASE Arizona
Our Mission
The mission of CEASE Arizona is to train and educate employees of Arizona cities and counties, including first responders (law enforcement and fire/EMTs), to recognize, report, and respond to incidents of human trafficking in their communities thereby disrupting demand for commercial sexual exploitation. CEASE stands for Cities Empowered Against Sexual Exploitation.

The Issue
Human trafficking is a crime fueled by the demand for commercial sex. Without the demand for commercial sex, there would not be a supply of individuals to sexually exploit. Reducing the victimization of human trafficking and sexual exploitation crimes is complex and requires the implementation of a variety of strategies.

CEASE aims to incorporate a variety of tactics to stop sex buying, empower victims, and evolve our society’s understanding about the realities of commercial sex.
Engage City Governments Statewide
Informed communities with effective anti-sex buying policy are safer cities to live, work and play. CEASE trains city employees throughout Arizona on how to identify and report human trafficking. We also work with elected leaders and a variety of stakeholders to craft public policy that reduces commercial sex transactions.

Target Sex Buyers
We know the most effective interventions to eliminating sexual exploitation are those targeted toward those who perpetrate, including people who buy sex.

We educate city governments and related stakeholders about human trafficking and sexual exploitation crimes.

We support the deployment of tactics to disrupt online transactions for commercial sex.

We change public perception about sex buying and advocate for public policy that reflects the view that no one should be bought, sold or exploited.

CEASE Cities
CEASE is pleased to recognize the following cities for their commitment to ending sexual exploitation.
Click here to begin the CEASE City designation process!