Further Reading

Diaries, non-fiction, novels, movies, documentaries and more…

Girls Like Us: Fighting for a World Where Girls Are Not for Sale: A Memoir

Powerfully raw, deeply moving, and utterly authentic. Rachel Lloyd has turned a personal atrocity into triumph and is nothing less than a true hero

Other Dreams of Freedom: Religion, Sex, and Human Trafficking

Human trafficking has captured worldwide attention as a crucial moral and political issue, but perhaps nowhere more than in the United States.

The Berlin Turnpike: A True Story of Human Trafficking in America

This is a true story of human trafficking in America as told through the testimony of a landmark federal trial which took place at the heart of one of the country s wealthiest states, Connecticut, over the course of eight days in 2007.

The Blue Notebook: A Novel

An unforgettable, deeply affecting debut novel, The Blue Notebook tells the story of Batuk, a precocious fifteen -year-old girl from rural India who is sold into sexual slavery by her father.

Renting Lacy: A Story Of America's Prostituted Children (A Call to Action)

The average age of entry into prostitution in America is 13 years old. Forced into a life they never chose, manipulated, abused and tortured at the hands of the pimps who control them, our country’s children are sold on the streets, on the internet and at truck stops across America every night.

The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today

In this riveting book, the authors and authorities on modern day slavery expose the disturbing phenomenon of human trafficking and slavery that exists now in the United States.

The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It

Each year, more than 800,000 women and children are lured, tricked, or forced into prostitution to meet an apparently insatiable demand, joining an estimated 10 million women already ensnared in the $20 billion worldwide sex trade.

Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery

Every year, hundreds of thousands of women and children are abducted, deceived, seduced, or sold into forced prostitution, coerced to service hundreds if not thousands of men before being discarded.

Unspeakable: The Hidden Truth Behind The World's Fastest Growing Crime

Written by Ahava Kids Founder and Director, Raymond Bechard, this book will finally bring the dark world of Child Trafficking into the light of day.

Walking Prey: How America's Youth Are Vulnerable to Sex Slavery

Today, two cultural forces are converging to make America’s youth easy targets for sex traffickers.

Trafficking of Children for Sexual Exploitation: Public International Law 1864-1950

A majority of the existing literature on human trafficking is based on the Trafficking Protocol (2000), and provides limited historical analysis of the preceding law on the subject.

Sex Trafficking Prevention: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Parents and Professionals.

Sanders draws from her own experience being trafficked plus her insights gained from years of advocacy and anti-trafficking work.